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My name is Ron Donovan and I am TheSOULstrategist, a critical thinking and outcome actualization coach. I am also a motivational speaker/writer and entrepreneur.


Ok, but what are critical thinking and outcome actualization?


Simply put, as an actualization coach, I will partner with you (the coachee) for the purpose of helping you actualize desired outcomes across almost any facet of your life, whether it's running a marathon, making a professional pivot, or attracting the perfect companion. It is a process of facilitating "learning".


In general, coaches:

  • Are sounding boards and provide a supportive space where you can focus on your particular journey (Explore my "Concierge Confidant Service")

  • Tell you like it is, provide clear, impartial, objective perspectives

  • Help with mastery, assist in getting you to the next level

  • Look for things in you that you probably don't see in yourself

  • Help you identify and improve upon your strengths, talents and gifts

  • Help you identify and transform your unproductive habits and challenges

  • Help you identify and reframe your thoughts and attitudes

  • Help you increase your confidence

  • Help you acquire, develop and expand your skill sets in specific areas

  • Help you strategize and plan to achieve your goals

  • Help motivate you to take action

  • Help you avoid making unoriginal mistakes

  • Become your journey partner

  • Root for you

  • Hold you accountable


An excerpt from "The Journey" with Pastor Mike (FCBCNYC)


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One's soul can be defined as that part which makes up thought, reason, perception, character, feelings and behavior; the essence of one’s individuality. And, a strategist is one who helps develop goals, determines the actions necessary to achieve the goals, then mobilizes the resources to execute the actions.


As TheSOULstrategist it is my mission to help you identity and tap into your most authentic self, then motivate, guide and accompany you on the journey to actualizing your desired outcomes.


I established TheSOULstrategist as a means of walking more fully in one of my own primary purposes, helping others.





While coaching is extremely effective during challenges or difficult situations, it can also be vital in achieving specific goals and taking success to an even higher level, mastery. Even the "successful" often need assistance "upping their game". Coaching can be directly tied to success in almost every field of human endeavor.


So, who benefits from coaching? Basically, EVERYONE!!! Anyone:


  • Wanting to build upon their current success, seeking mastery

  • Looking to pivot or translate success in one area to another

  • Needing to make important life changes or transitions

  • Seeking a bit of motivation

  • Having emotional blocks, feeling stuck, or needing help getting back on track

  • Feeling anxious, self-judgmental or self-doubting

  • Facing adversity

  • Battling procrastination or "disabling perfectionism"

  • Wanting to take control of, and direct their life

  • Desiring to be a better version of themselves

  • Looking to attract more romantic opportunities

  • Seeking to establish a fulfilled romantic relationship

  • Needing to make better romantic choices

  • Wanting to get out of consistently being put in the "friend zone" 

  • Wanting to feel more comfortable approaching potential romantic interests 

  • Struggling with and wanting to improve strained romantic, familial, or professional relationships

  • Looking to better understand and connect with their relations

  • Desiring to increase their overall relational aptitude


The following are just some of the worlds most successful and notable individuals who have publicly acknowledged they have worked with personal coaches and credit them with contributing tremendously to their successes: 


  • Kobe Bryant

  • Alex Rodriguez

  • Tom Brady

  • Lionel Messi

  • Serena Williams

  • Bill Gates

  • Oprah Winfrey

  • Denzel Washington

  • George Clooney


Whatever goals YOU would like to actualize, I will help you get results. Just reach out, and let's get started...


© 2020 Ron donovan designs


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