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 A Holistic Empowerment Coachsultancy


Are you feeling stuck, lost or like you have little to no control of your life? 

Are you disillusioned because you can't figure out where or how to start creating change?

Do you believe that doing and having what you want is overwhelmingly difficult, if not simply impossible? Are you having trouble visualizing what you want and being who you want to be?


Well, I established THESOULSTRATEGIST to help you elevate your mindset, get unstuck, reclaim control of your life, navigate it more effectively and consciously create the personal, relational and professional outcomes you want. Simply put, I will help you "transform the life you have into the life you want".


I accomplish this primarily by sharing practical insights, perspectives, strategies & tools I have acquired from a life of eclectic personal experiences, academic training, intentional learning,

and quantitative/qualitative study.


I have established a track record of accurately assessing situations, uncovering their root causes, and subsequently formulating solutions that produce positive results for my clients.

Let me put my abilities to work for YOU.


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The Soul

One's soul is the essence of their individuality, their most authentic self. It encompasses our reason, beliefs, character, feelings, and behavior. It is the place where most of our deepest desires originate. While souls differ distinctly from mindsets, the two are very closely connected. Our mindsets are where the creation, or impediment, of our soul's desires begin.


The Strategist

A strategist is one who helps pinpoint desired outcomes, assesses what is necessary to reach them, develops a plan, then mobilizes the resources to execute focused actions. 


As TheSOULstrategist, I help people self-actualize and create the personal, relational, and/or professional outcomes they desire.




An excerpt from "The Journey" with Pastor Mike (FCBCNYC)


My primary focus is helping people reclaim control of their lives and elevate themselves mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially, and financially. I show them how to utilize their innate abilities to self-actualize and create the outcomes they want.

Despite our greatest efforts, obstacles are simply a part of life. They often come unannounced and in varying sizes and difficulty. Some are relatively easy to transcend, while others can feel just too large to overcome, or even comprehend on our own. This is where I come in. I help guide, empower, and support my clients in getting beyond their challenges and consciously creating what they want.

The origins of many of the challenges and hinderances we face, can be traced back to our own deep-rooted traumas, experiences, and the resulting emotions. Emotions like anxiety, fear, and stress can produce self-doubt, overthinking, second guessing, feelings of inadequacy, impostor syndrome, and other limiting thoughts.  

I work with my clients to thoroughly understand who they are, where they are in their lives, how they got there, and where they ultimately want to be. I use this information to develop customized plans that align their mindsets and actions with their desired outcomes. Then I work with them in implementing their plans. 


Each plan is comprised of clear objectives, a listing of the strategies, processes, tools, and tasks to be developed and/or implemented, and a clear set of evaluation metrics


A key tool I use in this process is the creation formula I've developed called "The Conscious Creation Code". It helps my clients make empowering changes to live more fully, successfully, and abundantly.  


The Conscious Creation Code:

Visualization + Focus + Direction + Connection = Creation



I Am Currently Accepting New Clients:
- Individual

- Corporate

Areas of Focus Include:


- General Life Navigation/Elevation

- Specific Individual Outcomes

- Mindset Development/Management

- Situation Management/Coping (Pivots, Transitions, Challenges, Adjustments, Etc.)
- Building Enduring Confidence
- Increasing Discipline, Motivation and Inspiration
- Conquering Procrastination
- Nurturing General Well-being (Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical)          
- Increasing Social/Emotional Intelligence

- Personal Brand Development/Image Alignment

- Refining Comportment and Deportment

- Developing Positive/Healthy Masculinity (Developing Modern Gentlemen)

Relationship Attraction and Navigation (Men/Women)
- "Womanese": Design T
o Help Men Understand Feminine Nature, Language, and Actions
- "Manspeak": Design To Help Women Understand
 Masculine Nature, Language, and Actions


- Entrepreneurial Support 

- "Workplace Performance Elevation" Programs (Customizable) (Individuals/Teams)

          - Identifying and utilizing personal assets

          - Identifying and transforming personal challenges/liabilities 

          - Developing more effective communication skills

          - Increasing personal efficiency and productivity

          - Developing confidence and leadership abilities

          - Developing workplace specific social/emotional intelligence

          - Developing transformative relationships

          - Improving states of individual well-being in the workplace

- DEI and BIPOC specific programs




I have been where many people are today, challenged and looking for direction in my life. I am blessed to have solid advisors, mentors, coaches, and supporters that I am able to call upon when needed.


Many are far less fortunate than I and find themselves moving "rudderlessly" through life's uncharted waters with little to no guidance navigating their way.


Most probably feel a void, but don't know what they're missing or where to turn to find it. It is my mission to help as many people as possible find and maintain more positive and satisfying courses towards elevating their lives.


TheSOULstrategist is the vehicle I established to assist a wider audience in need of this guidance.



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My approach/style is uniquely holistic, meaning that I take into account all aspects of an individual's life.


am an amalgamation of the empirical, the methodical, the intuitive, the physical, and the spiritual. My approach centers around connecting with, and releasing to, the Divine energy that exists within each of us, then understanding and utilizing the laws/principles that govern this "creative energy" to help my clients actualize their life desires.


Actualization and creation of any outcome begin with one's mindset. Mindset is particularly important as it reflects our visions, words, attitudes, beliefs, opinions, assumptions, and the methods we employ. It ultimately shapes our habits, and subsequently, what we think, feel, focus on, do, and create. It helps define our individual identities, our souls.


As part of managing and transforming mindsets, I focus heavily on the importance of filtering sensory intake, refining visions, adjusting language, and developing positive perspectives/processes at the conscious level that imprint on the subconscious, and subsequently actualizes through the superconscious, our centers of creation.


Another key aspect of my approach is critical thinking. Along with developing balanced mindsets, I also focus on facilitating well thought out, reasoned assessments. I am a results driven critical thinker who, when necessary, will tell you what you may not want to hear and illuminate what you may not want to see, so that you can become who, and accomplish what you might not have believed you could.


I am a proven voice of reason, a purveyor of practical wisdom, a provider of perspective, a developer of direction, and a facilitator of hope and faith. I am a creative man of solid spirituality, who is continuously striving to be a more thoughtful, understanding, compassionate, nurturing, and "at peace" human being. 


Over the years, I have developed a personal mindset balanced by faith, logic, and creativity. This mindset joined with the tools I have acquired and cultivated along my journey equip me to help others consistently produce successes.


If any of this resonates with you, click here to schedule your initial consultation and let's get started...





To be clear, I am NOT a therapist. I AM a guide, a mentor, a coach, a motivator, a supporter, and more. As such, my most compelling qualifications are:


My Diverse Life Experiences

It is said that "experience is the best teacher, and the worst experiences teach the best lessons". Well, my life's experiences and all I've gleaned from them have truly taught me well. My personal experiences and interactions over the years have been diverse, unique, and innumerable. There have been tremendous successes, potentially devastating challenges, and significant lessons. Each has provided its own unique and invaluable insights, wisdom, and perspectives. 


My Academic Training

I am a graduate of The Georgia Institute of Technology, one of the most competitive and prestigious universities in the world. The education and training I received there and subsequently through the years have produced a mindset and skills that enable me to see most situations from myriad perspectives, then process the information to produce solutions that work.


My Continuous Education 

I am an eternal student, an intentional learner, and qualitative engager. In addition to my own experiences and situations, I am continuously observing, researching, analyzing, and just experiencing everything around me. I work extremely hard to remain open to seeing things from as many varied perspectives as possible. I take pride in continuously evolving, and as I do, I and those around me benefit.


My Spirituality and Faith

I am a man of solid spirituality and faith. Many may see these attributes as contradictory to my logical and analytical mind. However, I see them all as inherently complimentary and mutually essential to all human existence. In fact, I strongly believe that we must visualize desired outcomes BEFORE there is any evidence of them. Sometimes, we must see and believe beyond the "facts", and even in the face of contradictory "evidence".


Our spirituality leads us to our beliefs, our beliefs form the foundations for our faith, and these all subsequently contribute to our mindsets. I rely heavily on my spirituality and faith, and where relevant, help those I work with to identify and utilize their own faith (whatever that may be) in realizing their goals


My Nature

The essence of my nature is caring, empathetic, nurturing, intuitive, and compassionate. These attributes are balanced by my focused drive and undergird my ability to be understanding and supportive while keeping my clients focused and moving on task.


My Prior Work and Results

I have worked with and produced quantifiable successes for myself and countless others. Whether helping deal with a particular situation, make an important life pivot, achieve a specific goal, or find a soulmate, I thrive on helping my clients actualize THEIR desired outcomes. Working with me gets results!!!


This all said, YOU are the best judge of whether I'm qualified to help YOU. If I sound like the type of journey partner you're looking for, click here to discover more about what I offer and get started...




Too often, coaching is sought only when there is an acute issue, challenge or difficulty. However, it can actually be a vital component of one's overall personal development and life elevation. It has been directly tied to excellence in almost every field of human endeavor and is integral in taking success to higher levels, and ultimately, mastery. So, who benefits from coaching? Basically, EVERYONE!!!


Many of the world's most "successful" and notable individuals have publicly acknowledged engaging personal coaches to help them "up their games".


As your coach, I will:

  • Provide insights, strategies, and tools germane to your unique situation 

  • Help you develop a balanced mindset that aligns with YOUR beliefs, values and goals

  • Help you identify, reframe or re-direct your visions, thoughts, attitudes, and processes where necessary

  • Help you elevate your performance across the board or in a particular area

  • Tell you like it is and provide clear, impartial, objective perspectives

  • Look for things in you that you may not see in yourself

  • Help you identify and improve upon your strengths, talents and gifts

  • Help you identify and transform any limiting habits and challenges

  • Help you increase your confidence

  • Help motivate you to take action

  • Help you avoid making unoriginal mistakes

  • Be your confidant and sounding board

  • Be your journey partner and cheerleader

  • Be your accountability partner

Whatever outcomes YOU would like to actualize, I will help you get results. Click here and let's get started...


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Follow Me

To get a feel for what I have to say and how I say it, check out free content via my social media. Click Instagram or Facebook​​


Work With Me One-On-One

I love working one-on-one to develop and implement programs specific to YOUR needs. To book an initial exploratory consultation click here.


Participate In My Discussions And Programs

I have developed and host a number of virtual discussions and other programs related to general and specific personal, relational, and professional issues. To find out more, click here.


Book Me

In some way, shape, or form, I have been publicly guiding, training, speaking for as long as I can remember. I am now available for bookings as a "keynote", panelist, or program presenter. I have worked with organizations of varying types and sizes including, professional, youth, church, entertainment, and corporations. I have been a guest on numerous panels and podcasts, and I have appeared as a subject matter expert for various media outlets. If you think I might be right for your next event, click here and let's talk.






(Attorney, Former Law Firm Partner, Professional DJ)


Once or twice in a lifetime you meet a person like Ron who enables you to see through the fog and clutter of your daily life and truly focus so that you can achieve meaningful goals. Ron provides that clarity for me. He enabled me to have the confidence and determination to begin a second career in my 60's that is totally unrelated to my previous profession as a corporate attorney. Ron truly is a creative visionary and a change agent.”




(Head Designer For A Major Luxury Fashion Brand)


They say that people come into our lives for a reason, just when you need them most. I can attest to my serendipitous meeting of Ron being just that. While I was most certainly not seeking a guide or mentor, that is precisely what I found. Ron is an active listener and makes me feel like I can comfortably share what I'm feeling or going through. His soft-spoken, yet authoritative demeanor combined with his own life lessons and masterful insights enable him to give unmatched advice in both a professional and personal capacity. I value each tidbit of wisdom he passes to me and continue to reap the benefits.”




(Operating Partner of a Private Equity Firm)


"I have known Ron for many years and have engaged his services in various capacities. Initially, he guided me in developing a personal style while perfectly aligning with my role as a SVP of a Fortune 500 company. Later, as I transitioned into the private equity space, Ron's expertise helped me make subtle adjustments, both internally and externally, that seamlessly realigned me with the quite different corporate culture of my new industry. Ron has proven to be an invaluable and trusted advisor, confidant, consultant, and guiding conscience. His gifts and talents set him apart. His exceptional listening skills allow him to identify obstacles effectively and craft actionable solutions, which has been the bedrock of our long-standing relationship. Ron's unparalleled dedication to helping others makes him a truly exceptional individual and coach.”





(Education Administrator, Student Engagement Specialist, & Media Personality)


"What can I say. Ron is a mentor and confidant turned true friend, who helps me navigate this thing called life. His wisdom, wit, candor, and patience keep our sessions productive and flowing organically. His insights and perspectives help me stay on a success track both personally and professionally as I continue building my media and student engagement businesses. Ron's genuine passion for helping others and his holistic approach to coaching keep me continuously progressing towards my full potential. He sees in me what I often can't see myself. This has enabled me to achieve goals that I didn't think I could."





(Co-Founder & CEO of HOME-OMETRY, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker) 


"I have benefitted greatly from my relationship with Ron. The many relationship and business conversations we've had and the guidance he's provided relative to each could fill a book. Ron's ability to cut through the crap to see the problem and, more importantly, his skill of developing effective solutions have proven invaluable. They have kept me from wasting so much time and energy overthinking things. Whether managing businesses/career, pursuing personal goals, or dealing with relationship issues, Ron has been an invaluable resource."





(Business Investor, Owner of a Development/Construction Company)


"I was at a crossroads in a long-term relationship and needed to make a decision about what direction to take. Frustrated, I was referred to Ron. He helped me take a tough look at myself, my partner and my situation. He shared numerous insights and provided some of the amazing tools that he's developed, including what he calls "Unique Life Metrics" (ULMs), "Core Values List" (CVL), and "Desired Partner Qualities" (DPQs). Using these tools, I was able to see my situation more clearly and make some difficult decisions for my life. I am now dating more intentionally and purposefully. The process of finding a compatible partner is now less stressful, more productive, and more enjoyable. Thanks Ron!!!!!!"




(Former Professional Tennis Player, Country Club Director/Coach, Real Estate Investor, Founder of lifestyle brand VIBE Sports)


I reached out to Mr. D seeking guidance with my romantic relationship. As we worked through the issues, he helped me to see and transform aspects of me that negatively impacted my relationships across the board, romantic, familial and professional. My work centers around client interactions and service. Working with Mr. D helped me develop a mindset that has evolved the way I interact with people personally, socially, and professionally. As a result, I have found greater peace and satisfaction in all that I do. Applying his processes, I am continually seeing significant positive advancement in my romantic and professional lives.”





(Associate Project Manager at an Intenational Project & Development Firm, Real Estate Investor)


"We don't always recognize God's movements in our lives. However, it is clear that he was having a generous day when he blessed me with the ultimate mentor and father-figure. Whether it's advice regarding career advancement, spiritual cultivation, financial literacy, general "therapy" sessions, or even style and fashion, Mr. Donovan's tutelage has, for lack of a better phrase, raised me. While I have a saint of a mother, whose lessons make me a well-rounded human, Mr. D's consistent guidance, presence and engagement make me a well-rounded MAN."


© 2020 Ron donovan designs


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