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- Gentlemen, are you meeting women that match the vision you have for yourself?

- If you find yourself in the presence of such women, are YOU equipped to attract them, to engage and transform a simple interaction into something more?

- Do you get first dates with the women, but no more?

- Or, are you constantly getting relegated to the "friend zone"?


If any of this resonates or sounds familiar, I am here to help...


Let's face it, the dating landscape has changed drastically in these times of "Me Too", extremely independent women, blurred gender roles, and societal value shifts. Programming like, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, The Real Housewives and 90 Day Fiancé has skewed many people's, women's AND men's, expectations of what good partners and relationships really look like. 


Unfortunately, dating, in many instances has become a competitive sport with ambiguous "rules of engagement". And, regrettably, the success you experience in other aspects of life does not always translate to dating. 


I am a true man. In fact, many consider me a quintessential "man's man". Yet, it is the extensive effort that I have put into understanding women and their language that will most benefit YOU. I will help you better understand just what women want, think and need. I will help you see what attracts and keeps their attention, what impresses them, and what doesn't.


In short, I will help you authentically align who you are with the type of woman you want. I will help you avoid the dating/relationship mistakes many men make but just aren’t aware of. I will empower you with knowledge, skills and confidence to obtain the relationship you've been seeking. 


If you are ready to get off the sidelines and find out how, click below and let's get started...


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